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Quoting Corinthians
Identifying Slogans and Quotations in 1 Corinthians
Imagine reading a letter where the writer is engaged in a heated debate with someone and repeatedly cites their positions, but never uses quotation marks to indicate that he is quoting them. This is precisely what we find in 1 Corinthians! Paul frequently quotes certain factions within the church and then proceeds to correct their faulty thinking; but he rarely explicitly tells us that he is quoting them. This poses a significant challenge for interpreters of this letter. How do we know when Paul is stating his own position rather than quoting a Corinthian position that he actually rejects? Quoting Corinthians sets forth a step-by-step process for evaluating potential quotations in the New Testament and then applies that process to eleven passages in 1 Corinthians where quotations may occur. As the first book-length attempt to establish more objective criteria for identifying quotations, Quoting Corinthians is a valuable resource for students and scholars alike who are seeking to rightly interpret the New Testament.