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Cypress Hills Ministries is a non-profit organization that exists to support Christian leaders and other followers of Jesus by providing resources for preaching and teaching the Word of God, producing online Bible courses, training elders and mentors, and other ministries. To fulfill our mission, we rely heavily on ministry partners to continue the ongoing work of CHM through one-time gifts or monthly support.
To donate in Canada, click here. You will be issued a tax receipt from The Great Commission Foundation (tgcfcanada.org).
To donate in the United States, click here. You will be issued a tax receipt from Friends of the Great Commission (friendsgc.org).
If you are donating from another country, you can use either the Canada or U.S. donation link, but you will not be issued a tax receipt.
If you have any questions about partnering with CHM, please contact us at: director@cypresshillsministries.com.