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The Beginning of All Things
The book of Genesis introduces us to the beginning of all things. On the one hand, it tells us where the universe, this planet, human beings, and everything else that we know came from. God is the Creator of all things! It also, though, introduces us to the beginning of sin (human rebellion against God). It teaches us why this world is such a mess in so many ways. It shows us why people can be so wicked. And it shows us why even those with the best of intentions sometimes do things they do not want to do. Through Genesis we see a beautiful creation that was perfect in every way quickly becoming something very different, a world filled with wickedness, violence, and rebellion against God that brings sickness, death, and destruction to those who inhabit this planet. We also, though, are introduced to God’s glorious plan to fix what human beings have ruined.
You see, Genesis is not simply about the beginning of this world and the beginning of human rebellion against God; it is also about the beginning of God’s plan to reconcile sinful human beings to Himself. He has not only made a covenant with human beings never to destroy this world with a flood again, but He has also made a covenant with Abraham that promises that through Abraham and his offspring all the nations of the world will ultimately be blessed. So, although Genesis presents a sobering account of the destructive nature of human sin, it also presents a glorious account of the compassion of a loving God who neither destroys all human life, as we deserve, nor leaves human beings to fend for themselves. He is at work in this world and at work in the lives of all those who humble themselves before Him and choose to embrace Him on His terms.
I hope and pray that as you study Genesis in this course, you too will find it pointing you to the beginning of a new or simply deeper relationship with the One who spoke this world into existence and created you and me in His own image to live in an intimate relationship with Him.
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