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Preaching Workshops
I have wanted to preach Romans for about 20 years but felt under-equipped for such an important book. I now feel ready, in spirit and mind, for my first attempt. This has probably been the most practical and helpful workshop for preaching that I’ve attended in 23 years of ministry.
I was very pleased and impressed by the quality and practicality of the course on Romans. It was a refreshing time of studying and learning together and very down to earth. Another day or two would have been great.
I love the word of God, so it was an awesome time of just digging into it with fellow brothers and going deeper than I ever have done before. Not only did Martin’s grace and teaching style really connect with me, but his knowledge of the book of Romans was amazingly rich. I am looking eagerly to the Hebrews workshop.
It was a joy and a blessing to spend the better part of a week in Romans with a diverse group of brothers under Martin’s direction. Martin’s experience as a pastor, scholar, and missionary (in no particular order) give him a balanced approach to the biblical text and a strong advantage in dealing with specific ministry issues that arise during its exposition. I was encouraged and equipped by the workshop, and would recommend it to anyone looking to grow in their knowledge of the word and their ability to prayerfully preach the whole counsel of God.
I so much enjoyed being in retreat mode. A quiet place to meet with Jesus and brothers in Christ. Learning together, praying together and in the process being renewed. For me it was more about hearing God’s Spirit than it was about gaining knowledge about the book of Romans.
This workshop was refreshing and timely for me at this point in my pastoral ministry. The teaching and interaction was deep and practical for our current ministry and cultural contexts. I greatly appreciated the humility and integrity of our teacher Martin Culy. Thanks again for taking time to invest in the Kingdom in this way.
There’s no greater experience than sitting around a table pouring over the sacred text with a group of men committed to the faithful exposition of God’s Word. I was challenged in my understanding, encouraged in my ministry, and drawn into a deeper walk with my Lord and Savior. Thank you CHM for your ministry to Christ’s church. I’ll be coming again, soon.
It was a wonderful privilege to participate with Dr. Marty Culy in the 1 Peter preaching workshop. I valued greatly the extended and focused time on the study of one New Testament letter, the interaction with others, and greatly valued the deep understanding and faithful teaching of Dr. Culy. I sincerely sense I have something special and of eternal value to share with my church family. Can’t wait with the help of the Holy Spirit to share and preach 1 Peter to our church family.
The preaching workshops are great for those who preach regularly or occasionally, and as a time to be recharged and encouraged. I appreciated the interaction and the openness of others who preach, and at times struggle in ministry, and the opportunities to encourage and pray for each other.
Thank you so much for this week of study. I didn’t really realize how much I needed a week exactly like this to have true fellowship with some great men around the Word of God and prayer; to get some sound instruction in godliness, in the handling of the Word of God, and in practical every day ministry. I feel refreshed returning to the church.
In ministry it is difficult to find the space to be on the receiving end of impactful Bible teaching. The 1 Peter preaching workshop was a rich time of hearing God’s word taught in a way that He used to feed and refresh my soul.
Women Mentoring Women Workshops
Informative, convicting, motivating, encouraging, thought-provoking, and heart-provoking. The workshop led to self-evaluation and examination and a paradigm shift. I felt like a desert soaking in water. Everything was very helpful. I have a greater sense of purpose and meaning in my life as an older godly woman. Because of the homework to share the gospel, my friend Vivian heard and received the good news of salvation. Praise God!
Women Mentoring Women provides a biblical understanding of what it means to be a mentor and the practical tools for mentoring. The sessions are thorough and challenging with relevant (and fun) assignments. I would highly recommend it for anyone interested in mentoring, or for older women who think there is no ministry for them. You’ll be surprised!
I would highly recommend this workshop to women who are seeking to be who God has called them to be! I am implementing what I learned in mentoring younger women and am encouraging older women to respond to God’s call!
Prior to this training I’m not sure I really felt up to the daunting task of mentoring. This training does not downplay the seriousness of this responsibility at all, but does provide the necessary tools and encouragement needed to approach mentoring both with confidence and humility. I gained a clear understanding of what biblical mentoring is and is not, in terms of goals, philosophy and content.
I found the areas that you touched on, such as the Berean Call, so refreshing. This was the first time that anyone has called my attention to critically evaluate my reading material.
Necessary, helpful, loaded with organized information. This is so needed in every church. There is a lot of incorrect information floating around, and cultural influences that women need to be aware of. There are women who are trying to mentor now, or feel the need to mentor, but have no idea how to mentor. I would take this workshop again, in order to catch up on things I missed the first time, or perhaps missed because of my own growth (or lack of it). I am grateful to have all these handouts to look back on.
Although I am already acting as a mentor to a few women, I was curious to see what this workshop would teach me. I found Jo-Anna to be thoughtful and sensitive and strongly grounded in scriptural support. During the sessions I was challenged to look deeper at the Bible, at myself, and my walk with the Lord. In the end, I found that I had learned as much about myself as I did about mentoring others. Definitely worth the investment of time. To God be the Glory!!
I have been reminded that there is a desperate need for biblical role models and truth in our post-modern world. Even within Christian literature, so much of our guidance and wisdom comes tinged with worldly values. It is a high and important calling to be watchful. It is a high and important calling to then be able to teach what is good to the moms and daughters in the younger generations.
This workshop has completely changed my view on studying the Bible. Now, when I struggle to understand a passage, I do not quickly run to the Internet and google commentaries. I am learning to pause, pray and ponder, asking the Holy Spirit to speak to me. The experience has been transforming. I have found a new joy in studying God’s word.
I recommend this training. I have heard very little, if any, of this taught in churches. A major strength of the workshop was continually bringing us back to Scripture. Our culture is so pervasively invading our thoughts and actions, often without us even being aware of it. This workshop has focused on God and His glory. I am leaving the workshop wanting to do what God wants me to do.