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Ignitus Bible Courses

Do you want to know God’s Word better? Do you want to know God better? Do you want to become better equipped to serve God in this world? Each Ignitus Bible course is designed to help you in all of these ways. Our goal is for you not only to understand the content of God’s Word, but also to be transformed by God’s Word as you wrestle with what it means for us today.

Current Courses: Gospel of John, 1 John, Romans, Revelation

Courses Coming Soon: New Testament Overview, Old Testament Overview, Genesis

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Books for Disciples of Jesus

Would you like to learn more about the fear of the Lord? Would you like to learn more about Jesus’ message to the church today in the book of Revelation? Would you like to learn more about how God speaks to us through the Gospel of John and other biblical narratives? Whether you are a layperson or a scholar, these and other books on our resource page will help you to understand the Word of God more fully and become better equipped to serve Him.

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Ignitus Bible Curriculum

The Ignitus Bible Curriulum (IBC) provides mature followers of Jesus with detailed guidance for how to teach the Word of God effectively. IBC Teacher’s Manuals are available in electronic format for various courses at no cost.


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Our Mission

Cypress Hills Ministries exists to support churches by helping pastors and other Christian leaders grow spiritually and become better equipped to make disciples through preaching and teaching the Word of God, mentoring, and modeling uncompromising devotion to Jesus Christ.

We Believe

that most of the challenges the church is facing today can be traced to a lack of knowledge of and engagement with the Word of God.

The Urgent Need

of our day is for followers of Jesus to immerse themselves in the Scriptures and obey God’s call to live as his holy people who are resident aliens in this world.

We Long To See

Christian leaders who walk with God, have a firm grasp of the content of Scripture, and are equipped to shepherd God’s people so that they become devoted followers of Jesus.